Where will my order ship from?

All orders placed in the currency USD and GBP will be shipped from our UK warehouse. We would kindly recommend checking local customs and taxes before placing your order. Orders over $800 within the USA will be charged import and duty fees. Please note, we can not ship to any address in the EU from this store but all other countries will be ok to shop in this currency, including Australia and New Zealand.

All orders placed in EURO's will be shipped from our EU warehouse based in the Netherlands, this should help avoid customs and taxes if your address is within the EU. Please note we can not ship to any address outside of the EU from this store.

All order placed in AUD currency, will be shipped from our Australian warehouse, this means delivery is super fast and no customs will be due. Please note this store will only ship to addresses in Australia and New Zealand.

Please note the total cost for your order does not include any import or duties fees. These fees are put in place by customs for the country of delivery. We would kindly recommend checking local customs and taxes before placing your order. If there are any fees to be paid our courier will contact you for further payment prior to delivery.

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