What time does the sale start?

Our sale kicks off on 27th February 2025, but exact start times will vary depending on your location and the store you shop in. To stay in the loop, keep an eye on your emails and our socials—we’ll be announcing the exact times closer to the date!

Early Access for Exclusive Members. Members of our loyalty program will get priority access to sale prices before everyone else. Here's how it works:

🔹 Level 4 members – First access🔹 Level 3 members – 1 hour later🔹 Level 2 members – Another hour later🔹 Level 1 members – Another hour later🔹 General access – 1 hour after Level 1

The sale runs for 72 hours, so make sure you’re signed up and ready! Your direct sale link will be sent via email as soon as your tier is live.

Not a member yet? Join our loyalty program now to get early access!

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