How to return with Happy Returns

We hope you love your new pieces. But if anything’s not right - our returns process has just got even easier.

We’re partnering with Happy Returns so you can enjoy box-free, label-free, fuss-free returns.

There are thousands of Happy Returns’ Return Bar locations across the country — find one near you.

No printer? No problem. Drop off your return or exchange at one of thousands of Return Bar locations nationwide. No box or labels needed.

  1. Start your return online by selecting a Return Bar near you. It takes less than 60 seconds to input your info and Happy Returns will email you a QR code to complete your return.
  2. Next, take your return or exchange to one of thousands of Return Bar locations nationwide. No box or labels needed.
  3. Your debit or credit card refund will be immediately refunded, but might take a few business days to hit your account. 

Rat & Boa partners with Happy Returns to offer box-free, printer-free, and sustainable returns and exchanges to all our US-based customers.

Start your return online, select the items you wish to return and tell us why. Then, locate a Return Bar near you and use the QR code emailed by Happy Returns to complete your return drop-off in less than a minute.

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